Discography for Chris Jewell
Chris Jewell C&G Dis. NSC Tuning Dip
01237 423554
Chris has appeared on a wide range of recordings, some of which are available to purchase:
- Sussex Folk Harvest 1987 No longer available
- Twelve Square Gems No longer available
- Touchstone - Night the Snow Came Down Cassette 1991 No longer available.
- Touchstone - One The Rum CD 1995
- Twelve More Gems No longer available
- So Here's To You 1996 Cassette only available on request for donation to charity of your choice!
- Bonnie Burden and Mark Orchin - Silently Calling CD 1998 Guest Appearence.
- Touchstone Winebarrel Jigtarrel - CD 2001
- Early Days - The Music of John Close performed by the Close Friends Band. - CD 2002
- Meridian - Prime CD 2003 Guest appearance
- English Traditional Dancing CD 2003
- Michele Welborn Band - Don't Call Her After Midnight CD 2004
- Matrix - Gaps CD 2004 Available from me
- Climax Ceilidh Band - Come Dancing CD 2006 - Guest appearance on one track!
- Touchstone - One The Rum (plus extra tracks) CD Re-issue 2006
- Touchstone - Sea Of Providence CD 2006
- Chris Jewell and Paul Martin - Anna's Wedding CD 2007 Contact me. £10
- Matrix - Bridges CD 2015 £10